Injured Worker Medical Benefits

The employer and its worker compensation insurance company must pay for the medical treatment of any employee injured on the job. The medical treatment must be reasonably calculated to effect a cure for or to provide relief from the injury and includes authorized doctor bills, hospital bills, rehabilitation, physical therapy, prescriptions and necessary travel expenses. The treatment must be recommended by the injured employee’s authorized treating physician. Employees are permitted to change their authorized treating physician once. Generally, the employees must select their authorized treating physician from a “panel of physicians” selected by the employer.

How employers break the law.

Georgia law requires employers to maintain and post a “panel of physicians” but in our years of practices, we have come across many employers who do not maintain such panel. Some employers maintain such panel but do not post it. Sometimes the panel falls short of the requirements set by the Georgia State Board of  Workers’ Compensation. The employees can receive treatment from a doctor of their choice if the employer fails to comply with the law.

Injured while on the job? Don’t give up your rights.

We specialize in workers compensation. If you have been injured while on the job, contact us with a copy of your employers’ “panel of physicians”.

We have an unmatched reputation in getting the maximum compensation for injured employees. From our offices in Columbus, GA we represent injured employees throughout Georgia. Contact us for a free initial consultation. You have nothing to loose. We will review your case and let you know the compensation you can get.